
A Scenario is a sequence of Requests that describes a workflow

Use Cases:

  • Replaying or testing requests in a sequence

  • Documenting common workflows

  • Sharing those workflows with others

What is a Scenario?

Take for example in a new user registration flow for some hypothetical application, the following HTTP requests are sent:

  1. POST /user to create the new user

  2. GET /user/{user_id} to retrieve data about the user

  3. GET /products to retrieve a store's list of products to present to the user

This sequence of requests is specific for that workflow, has a defined order and can tied together. This enables you to group requests together, share them with other engineers or even replay the whole sequence. This is what we define as a scenario.

How To Create Scenarios

If using the UI, navigate to the Scenarios page and click on the CREATE button on the top left corner.

For our full guide, see How to Create Scenarios .

Scenario Key

Every Scenario will have a unique identifier for your Stoobly context. This can be retrieved from the UI or the CLI.

From the UI

Navigate to the scenarios page then click on a scenario. This will open the scenario details page from the right side. At the top there will be a Key field which is the scenario key.

From the CLI

Run the following command to view your scenarios:

$ stoobly-agent scenario list

  id  name                  requests_count  description      is_deleted  key
   1  My First Scenario                  1                            0  eyJwIjogMCwgImkiOiAzfQo=

Here in our example we have a single scenario. The scenario Key can be found in the key column which is eyJwIjogMCwgImkiOiAzfQo=.

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