Data Rules


  • Which scenario to use?

  • Which policy to use for a particular Stoobly mode?

Source or Destination

Answers: Where to record/mock requests?

For recording, this setting controls which scenario the request will be saved to. For all other modes, this setting controls which scenario the request will be searched from.


Answers: Which requests to record/mock?

Record Policy

Record policy settings controls what to do with requests received by the agent. By default, the agent will record all requests intercepted.

To configure the record policy, go to the Proxy Settings by clicking on the cog next to the Run button. Below is similar to what you will see.

The following describes the behaviour of each record policy:



All requests will be recorded


Only requests not previously recorded will be recorded


Active scenario will be overwritten with record requests

Mock Policy

Mock policy settings controls what to do with requests received by the agent.

By default, the agent will only mock found requests.

The following describes the behaviour of each mock policy:



All requests will be mocked


Only requests that have been recorded will be mocked

Last updated