Replaying from the UI

Updating a Request by Replaying

  1. Navigate to the requests list page at http://localhost:4200/agent/requests

  2. Click on the request that we want to update. In the screenshot, we see a request that returned a 200 status code and a healthy json body in the response. For our example, this is a HTTP request to an application running on localhost that then calls the Spotify's API to return details about a song.

  1. Now go to the Replay History by clicking on the following tab

  1. Pick one of the requests to overwrite the current HTTP response with and click on "Activate"

  1. A prompt should pop up asking you to confirm. Click on "CONFIRM"

  1. The response for the request has now been updated successfully!

  1. Finally, run the Agent in Mock mode and send a HTTP request to that endpoint. After sending a request, Stoobly will return the new response instead of the old one. Please note that you can change the response back to its original one or any of the re-recordings by using the Replay History.

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